
lørdag 23. mars 2013

Winner of my Blog Candy..and a bonus prize!;)

Hi everyone, hope you are all well! :)
 I am extremely crazy busy here at the moment, but here I'm with the name on the winner of my 
Thank you to EVERYONE who left comments on my blog post and entered to win my blog candy! 
 I read each and every one and will incorporate the requests into future projects posted here.  I hope to be blogging for many, many more years!!!:)

 And so, based on Random.org the winner of my blog candy is..........

Congratulations and I hope you enjoy creating with them!!
I would also like to give away a second little giveaway to no 37- BENTEfor her always so sweet comments!:)
If you  girls would like to email me your address I will sort out getting this posted off to you!;)
THANK YOU so so much to everyone who participated and for leaving me all of those thoughtful, amazing messages.  I appreciated every single one :)
 Until my next giveaway I hope you enjoy my creations in the meantime. 
Wish you all a Happy Easter!:)

Crafty hugs, Ellen

7 kommentarer:

  1. Gratulerer til vinnerne og God Påske :)

  2. Gratulerer så mye til de heldige vinnerne !
    Ha en riktig god påske
    :-) Nina

  3. Congratulations to the lucky winners! I am happy that this post came up in English since I was having a problem reading them.

  4. Gratulerer til to heldige damer :)
    Bedre lykke en annen gang til oss andre..
    Påske-klem fra Helle

  5. Congratulations to the winners!
    Alison x

  6. Tusen takk for at jeg ble en av de heldige vinnere, så utrolig kjekt og gratulere til den andre vinneren også, klem Bente:)

  7. Jippi Ellen..
    Jeg vant candyen din, heldige meg........
    Gleder meg vilt til den dukker opp i postkassen....
    Adressen min er:
    Karianne Huus
    Nedre Hølland 13
    4200 Sauda
    hvis du ikke har den lenger..........
    Tusen tusen takk. Og ha en riktig god påske kjære du....

    Klem fra Kaia


Dine kommentarer gjør meg så glad, inspirert og varmer langt inn i hjerterota♥!:)
You comments does me so happy, insired and warm my heart♥!:)