
torsdag 1. august 2013

"Less is more" er ikke det jeg driver med til vanlig!;))

Hei igjen;)
Her kommer et kort fra meg, men veldig, veldig uvanlig style, hihi:)
De som ser mine kort, fra tid til annen, vet at jeg liker stæsh, blomster, shabby chic og vintage, men nå er det ei flott jente som har bursdag, og hun er så langt ifra disse stilene som det går an!;)
Men, jeg gjorde alt jeg kunne for å finne både ark, motiv og tekster som kunne passe til henne, og endte opp med null-0 designpair, bare Bazill i grå og hvit;)
Motivet, som jeg synes passer bra, er fra Saturated canary, og er fargelagt med Copics.
Det er veldig vanskelig for meg å lage et kort uten noen form for søtt, men fant disse metallrosene, og litt annet fra "Prima boksen" min;)
Teksten utenpå er fra Kort og Godt, og inni kortet er det fra Tim Holtz.

Fikk lurt inn en hvit blonde også, som er fra Kort og Godt..(nyydelig♥), men siden den er hvit så går den nesten iett med arket, så jeg tror det blir "godkjent";)

Saturated C.-Steampunk motiv er fargelagt i disse fargene:
Hår: E49 - E57 - E55 - E53
Hud: E11 -E21,  E00 - E000 - E95, E93
Grått: (mørk): N8, N6, N4, N5, N2
Grått (lys): C5, C4, C2, C00, C000
Blått: - B37 - B45 - B93 - B41-C3

Embosset med Fran-tãge-Shabby blue og Shabby ivory rundt motivet.

Innsiden måtte jo være like enkel, så da valgte jeg bort alle mine elskede dies, og brukte bare en fotohjørne-punch, fra Fiskars. Denne flotte teksten, som jeg synes er så fin, er fra Tim Holtz.

Også en tekst fra Tim H., på siden til å skrive personlig hilsen:)

Da gjenstår det bare å se om kortet blir godkjent", selv om jeg ikke kunne la alt stæsh ligge;))
Det gjør nok det♥;)
Tusen takk for titten, og er det noen som vil være med på min Blog Candy, så finner dere den HER:
Jeg sender "World Wide":)

Jeg deltar i disse utfordringene: (var virkelig en utfordring for meg, som elsker shabby chic og vintage..LOL)
Less is More - Photo inspiration
Addicted to CAS - Glitter
Artistic inspirations noe å feire
Crafting by designs: anything goes
Card and scrap 59: anything goes

Cute card Thursday 280: anything goes
Craft-room Challenge "Heat Embossing"
Country View Craft's Challenge Blog: 'Quotations & Sayings'
DL.ART August: anything goes
Sister act 17: anything goes

Timeless Tuesday #231. -something old, new and borrowed (borrowed the layout;D), my metals are new, and my image "old"!)
Produkter brukt

39 kommentarer:

  1. Absolutely stunning. Adore the monochromatic tones.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. This card is soooo beautiful Ellen....i love your style and how you colouring the stamps!
    The frantage is also beautiful.
    Hugs Ellen

  3. Even though this card isn't embellished as much as what you usually do, I still think it is just as breathtaking! I love the sentiment, too!

  4. Such a pretty card! Love the cute, cute image too. Thanks for joining us at Fitztown Challenge Blog.

    DT Coordinator

  5. This is simply adorable!
    Thank for joining us at Fitztown Challenge.Hope you will join us next time and Good luck!Hugs Kaija DT-member

  6. Heisan.
    Synes dette ble kjempeflott jeg. Er ikke alltid det skal så mye til, og når man legger ned mye jobb og tid i fargelegging er vel det flott i seg selv.

    Go'klem :o)

  7. Love the embossing to edge the panel with the image, and the sentiments work so well. Thanks so much for playing along with us at Our Creative Corner.
    Alison x

  8. Stunning, your colouring is amazing!

    Thanks for joining in our first challenge at "Just For Fun!"

    Elaine xx

  9. Thank you for joining in our first challenge over on the brand new challenge blog 'Just For Fun'. This months theme is Anything Goes.

    What a very pretty pale card. Wonderful image and it really stands out on the white on white backing. Lovely diecuts and additional elements. Less is definitely more in some cases, and this is a prime example.

    I hope you will keep popping back and joining us in our future monthly challenges.

    Hugs Lisa xxxxx Just For Fun DT member

  10. Gorgeous coloring and card composition. Thanks for sharing your card at the Sister Act Card Challenge this week.
    Cathy xx

  11. A fabulous Clean and Simple card. I love the image and the way you've coloured her, and the sentiment is great too. Thank you for joining us over at Glitter n Sparkle, good luck

  12. A beautiful grungy creation, Ellen! Flawless colouring... WOW! Hope you're having fun with our "Anything Goes" challenge. Thanks for playing with us.
    Asha - Eclectic Ellapu DT
    Sunny Summer Crafts

  13. Very, very beautiful!!
    Nice effect with the frontage!
    Wish you a great summer

  14. Exquisite creation .Love the image and its frame . Thanks for sharing on Make it Monday

  15. Beautiful card! Gorgeous coloring! Love how you heat embossed the edges! Thanks for joining us for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge!

  16. Such a beautiful card and image, love the pretty colors. Thank you for joining us at Artistic this week. Abbie xx

  17. I do like what you've done to the edges of the torn paper round your image Ellen and that sentiment inside your card is a great one. Thanks for joining us at Our Creative Corner. Margie x

  18. Amazing card, you made her look fabulous in a simple design. Very beautiful card. Thank you for joining us at 7 kids College Fund Challenge Blog
    Hugs Kelly

  19. Very pretty i love how you colored her dress and the hair
    Thank you for joining my DL.ART Thankful Thursday Anything Goes August Linky Party
    DIANA L.

  20. Beautiful gorgeous card, love your coloring... Thanks for sharing with us at PTT..

  21. Great card and beautifully coloured. Thank you for joining us at Artistic Inspirations,

    Joan x

  22. Simply beautiful love the image ,thank you for joining in over at Just for fun Seema JFF DT

  23. Hvor er det bare super flot.

    10000 tak for at du deltager på Card and scraps udfordring,


  24. Stunning card Thank you for joining us at Just For Fun's 1st challenge and good luck
    Hugs Susan xxx JFF Design team member

  25. This is great, thanks for joining in with our 1st challenge at Just For Fun! xx Jan

  26. A gorgeous card, thank you for sharing it with us at Craft-Room Challenge.
    xxx Hazel.

  27. WOW! Simply beautiful! Your coloring is fantastic! Thanks for joining us at Crafting By Designs this week!

  28. The frantage placement to make the frame is great! Lovely card!Thank you for sharing with the Craft Room, wishes Suzanne xx

  29. SO glad you could play along with Flourishes! This is so soft and pretty!

  30. Wonderfull card! I really like the txt inside on it. I love the way you colored the card!

  31. Så stilig, og som du sier ulikt det andre :) Kan alt du :)
    Det fotohjørnet må jeg bare ha :), det var stilig!

  32. Gorgeous card - fabulous colouring!
    Thanks for playing at Pile It On!
    Helen x

  33. Very pretty card. Thanks for playing along with us at Cuttin' and Stampin'.

    Tammy S.

  34. beautiful coloring and a wonderful entry for the Craft Room Challenge! Helene

  35. Hvor er det bare et super flot cas kort.

    1000 tak for at du deltager på udfordring på Card and scrap.

    DT Sanne

  36. just lovely
    thanks for joining in at SCC

  37. The embossing and laces is really something special. So beautiful! Thanks for participating in the www.7kidscollegefund.com challenge!

  38. Amazing card! Love all the texture combined with the lighter colors!

  39. A beautiful card. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us this month at Country View Challenges. Chris xxx (PS: You do need to link the picture of your project in the linkie.)


Dine kommentarer gjør meg så glad, inspirert og varmer langt inn i hjerterota♥!:)
You comments does me so happy, insired and warm my heart♥!:)