Today I wanted to show you my Top 10 Favorite Cards that I have made in the last year.
I am also going to show you the very first picture I ever posted on my blog so you can see how my pics have improved (I hope) over the year.:)
If you're not's the last one!;))
Here they are, but not in any particular order!;)
I am also going to show you the very first picture I ever posted on my blog so you can see how my pics have improved (I hope) over the year.:)
If you're not's the last one!;))
Here they are, but not in any particular order!;)
Image from Mo Manning
You can see more of this card HERE.
Image from Saturated Canary
If you want to see more of this, you can find it HERE
Merged images from Make it Crafty
You can find more of this one HERE
Image from Scrapbook Stamp Society
More about this one HERE
I've to choose one Tilda to!;)
And HERE she's!;)
Another beautiful image from Scrapbook Stamp Society..
And HERE you can find some more pic. if you want to!;)
Love this cute image from Mo Manning, together with this gift digi from Make it Crafty.
You can find it HERE.
He's soo cute, this little guitarboy from La La Land!;)
HERE is more of him!;)
And over to Christmas;)
I've merged this cool digi images from Make it Crafty..
You can find more of this card HERE
Supercool Steampunk Santa, from Make it Crafty, and he's is HERE
Finally the last one, a Christmas giftset with the beautiful paper from Pion Design, and you can find the set HERE
All the info about images, papers, colors, dies..etc!;)
And this my first paper prosject
I made this one in the beginning of 2010, and i was soo happy and proud when i was finished..LOL!;)

I've another Top 10 to show they of your who want to see, another day.
That's my favorit cards with no colouring..but until then,
I want to thank you all so much, for all the nice and lovely visits, comments, and all your great inspirations in 2012♥♥
I wish you a Happy New Year with lot of Joy, Happiness, and good healt♥!
See you later dear blogfriends!
Crafty hugs, Ellen
12 kommentarer:
Oh my gosh Ellen, what a stunning top 10 selection. A true reflection of your wonderful creative talent. Now that first card you ever posted, was quite a difficult card fold to achieve. I am still in awe of your talent.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
Nyyydelige mesterverk du viser oss her Ellen:)
Flotte kort som er nydelig fargelagt og med de skjønneste detaljer:):)
Gleder meg virkelig til å følge deg i året som kommer også.
I enjoyed looking at all your beautiful cards again. I especially love the ballerina and the fairy kissing the snowball. So beautiful! I just purchased my first every Tilda stamp yesterday and am looking forward to using it. I think your very first card is pretty. I think anything handmade is a treasure.
Ohhh Ellen!! För en otroligt flott kavalkad av inspirerande alster! Förstår att du inte haft det lätt att välja av alla underbara kreationer du skapat under året. Tusen tack för all inspiration och skaparglädje du delar med dig av!
How beautiful cards you've picked!! I just wanted to thank you for the inspiration throughout this year, I've really enjoyed your posts and the inspiration you share with us all. Happy new year :)
Hvor er de flotte alle sammen, og jeg er også mest til den lille fe der kysser snebolden. knus morkaren.
Så nydelige!! Tusen takk for masse herlig inspirasjon i 2012!
O'lala so månge fine ti på topp kort :D Eg elskar jo blomster so eg likte best nr 4 & 6 frå toppen ;)
Elles synst eg kort nr Uno va fint óg. Men du har verkeleg utvikla deg vidare :)
Du er bare så utrolig flink til å fargelegge! Hvert kort er en fryd for øyet :-) Mine favoritter er de to julekortene dine. Kjempemorsomt å se det første kortet du laget, jammen er det stor forskjell fra det til de du lager nå :-) Ønsker deg et riktig godt nytt år og gleder meg til å følge bloggen din videre i 2013. Klem
Fantastisk flott, du er rå på fargelegging! :D
Gleder meg til å se flere prosjekter fra deg til neste år. :)
Godt nyttår!
For en kavalkade av herlige og nydelige kort, fargelegginga og pyntinga di er bare helt fenomenal.
Det er en viss forskjell på det første du laget og det du gjør nå :)
Klem Sissel
Himmel og hav sier jeg bare. Du er rågod og lager de mest fantastiske kreasjoner. Jeg bare elsker å se alt du har laget og studere detaljene.
Klem Gunn
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