fredag 21. februar 2014

DT Kort og Godt-Albumkort til guttekonfirmant

Et albumkort med et av de nye arkene-Rapsodi sort.
Sommerfugl og klokken er fra samme arket.
Jeg har brukt minialbum diesen fra Sizzix, og den er veldig kjapp å lage, samtidig som kortet blir litt mer enn vanlig firkantede, som jeg pleier ;) 

 De store tjernene, og "baksiden" av klokken er stanset ut med Sizzix dies. Stjernene er stanset ut i grungeboard med folie på, embosset med folder og malt med Dabber. Sølvstjernene er fra Kort og Godt og er selvklebende..liker det ;)

 Det er så mange kule og tøff motiver og tekster på de nye stempelplatene, og bare det gjør det lettere for meg med gutte/herrekort, som jeg ikke synes er like lett alltid :)

 Takk for at du kom innom bloggen, og tok deg tid♥
Ha en fin dag..
Produkter brukt fra Hobbyhagen

22 kommentarer:

Patty O'Malley sa...

Love the album die. It looks wonderful with the masculine theme. Love the stars and the technique used on them.

Sue sa...

A gorgeous project. Thanks for joining us at One Crazy Stamper this month.

Jeanette (Forest Ranger) sa...

WOW! This is gorgeous!

Thank you for participating in the MelonHeadz Friends For the Boys challenge!

Lynn Whitehouse sa...

Beautiful card, love the design and the papers, thankyou for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap challenge - Hugs Lynn DT

cass sa...

Wonderful creation, thanks for joining us at Open Minded Challenges this fortnight

verybellemakes sa...

Love the shape of this card! Thanks for joining the Crafty Girls Challenge, hope to see you again soon.

Victoria DT

Angela Westland Australia sa...

Nice to see you back again to enter our challenge I absolutely love your project - so original - absolutely fabulous and just a fantastic project you have made – it’s great to see something different. Very well done and the best of luck – thank you for joining us at Challenges 4 Everybody. Remember you can enter 3 projects each month. I have joined your blog and hope you will join mine too. I know how hard it is to build your blog followers. Happy Crafting! Angexxoo

The Little Stamper sa...

What a fantastic and detailed card. I love the monochrome colours too - it makes it very manly!

Thanks for joining us at CLF this week.

Sharon x

Karen sa...

This is superb!

Thank you so much for joining us at The Stamping Chef for our challenge and good luck!

Karen. DT.xx

Anonym sa...

Stunningly beautiful card, thank you for joining us over at Crafting For All Seasons, Good Luck and we hope to see you again soon. Alison xx

Filharmonica sa...

Lekkert kort! Takk for at du deltar hos Card and Scrap denne gangen :-)

Unknown sa...

This is so beautiful! Love the grays.. All of the elements are fantastic!! Just gorgeous!! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges!!! Good Luck! I hope we see you again!!

- Susan, Co-Owner @ Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges
{Scrap A Thousand Words}

Unknown sa...

This is so wonderfully designed! Thank you for joining us at our Pile It On challenge blog and good luck in the draw!

Hazel sa...

Love all the cut out shapes. Thank you so much for joining my Craftyhazelnut's Patterned Paper Challenge for February with your lovely card - hope to see you again soon. x

Kim Kelley sa...

Great card! Love all the movement! Thank you for joining us at Sassy Studio Designs DTBST challenge this week! HUGS


Linda Levoir sa...

Fab design. Thanks for joining in our Let's Get Sentimental challenge at A Creative Romance :) xx

Crafting Vicky sa...

Wow totally love the details you have put on this intricate card! It's really gorgeous!

Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at Open Minded Crafting Fun Challenge. Hope you will join us next time co-owner Crafting Vicky. I’m doing a little giveaway to celebrate 500 followers come and join in

Unknown sa...

wow, simply stunning. Thanks for playing along at
Fairy Challenges Blog
Hugs, Teresa DT
Ceesa's Card Creations

Carol Ric sa...

Such a lovely project. Thanks for joining us at the Fairy's Challenge.

Giò sa...

Beautiful card!! A lot of shape and movement! Thanks for joining us at TSM challenge.

Intruderlady sa...

great card. love this fold.

Thanks for joining our DTBST Challenge at Sassy Studio Designs.


Dawn sa...

Thanks for playing in the Crafting For All Seasons challenge this time! Hope you can play next time too!
Good Luck
Dawn xx